Monday, October 4, 2010

mixtape of images






1. The first pair of kicks i fell in love with after shoe hunting for a couple of days.
2. An Annita Maslov work that i love
3. One of the most beautiful moments in life
4. Pencil @ Kupo.
5. Liz :) a few months back

Does it really matter if the glass is half empty or half full?
At the end of the day, as long as if it's your glass, you're just gonna want to fill it up. Simply because humans can't handle emptiness. As long as there's a void , it has to be filled. A vicious , near carnal need. For who could stand emptiness, really? It's so....awkward, undefined... neither here nor there. It hurts, and then again, does it really? It's like hanging off a cliff on only a rope, and it's got your wrist on a chokehold, you can't fall to your death, you can't climb back up to safety. Emptiness makes you insecure, it turns you into this desperate little creature scavenging on any ounce of hope, happiness, sadness, anything... just to patch that little hole, to comfort yourself even a little.

And just like a glass on the table, a small tip and all your water just spills out.
You're back to square one, how transient, how fleeting, how precious.
it's another fitful night, i don't know what's wrong. I'm scared, i scare the fuck out of myself. i thought everything was coming back on track, i thought life was with me again. but in moments like these, i feel like crying i know im going to cry and i haven't an ounce of an idea what to do. what the fuck is wrong with me?everything else isn't helping either, fuck the past that made me who i am today. fuck all the people all their stupid decisions that hurt me, fuck all those who blame me but never themselves, fuck all those who always took it out on me, fuck all those who mind fucked me, fuck all those who broke my trust and fuck all the selfishness.

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